Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One year in Poland!

So I have been living in Warsaw now for exactly one year! I have to say it's been far more difficult than I thought it would be! Although I have a full time job now as a pre school teacher (ages 2 1/2 - 6 years old) I still can't say I have any real friends yet, which I did not expect, I guess it's due to the fact I can't speak Polish yet (although I'm seriously improving) but I guess these things take time. Polish personalities are just so different from the British ones I'm used to. The girls in my work are pretty cool though but it's definitely hard to find people like the ones back at home :D
I am also starting to get comfortable driving here too, which will be a huge plus as it will save me an hour getting to work in the mornings and to be honest the thought of waiting for buses at 6am on -23 degree Polish wintery mornings push me to get on the road faster! My parents are helping me out by getting me a car when they come over in the next month, so right now I'm looking for the car! I have my eye on a black mini which is going for £3000! I'm a bit suspicious on why it's so cheap but I am definitely not complaining!
At the moment I am trying to save my money (which I'm not good at) to start renting an apartment. Pawel is busy making clothes and bags to sell - the reason I've started blogging again.. LOTS of free time! Apartments are actually pretty cheap and we have our eyes on a few but it's just the point of earning enough money now. I'm REALLY excited for us to get our own place, it's my main long term goal at the moment :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe it's been a year already! It doesn't seem that long since our last lecture.
