Saturday, March 5, 2011

Argh, I love the French language, so beautiful

New aims:

1. Save up 3000 PLN (around £666) so I can go on a road-trip with Pawel and his best friend Piotrek to Croatia in the summer :D I need to get a job asap
2. Get fit for beachy times! Going well so far :)
3. Find the biggest, best hat for my friends wedding in May :D
4. Make a list of amazing fun things to do when Katie and Bethan come here in March/April (hopefully)
5. Finish Celta! (yessssssssssssss)
6. Look into a job teaching children - I think I will be much better suited to it, what with all the colours and games and creative lesson ideas
7. Start to drive in Warsaw! - I'm a bit hesitant to start because it's soooo scary driving here

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what the song words mean, but the tune is stuck in my head!
