Monday, August 30, 2010

Room Tour!

Pawel redecorated his bedroom just before I came  to make some room for all my junk! and... it is awesome :D
Seriously, I'm really impressed!
 Wait.. I'll show you some pictures ( I was going to make a video of it but.. I felt ridiculous! :p )


Here's our little reading corner! (Note the 'invisible shelves' Pawel was smug about! ;) 
It's the comfiest chair EVER by the way :D

Of course we have a Huge wardrobe for all our stuff (it's full to the brim already and you'll notice that my side (the right, well ... it's the left in this picture) is a tad untidy at the moment ;) 
We are already fighting over the clothes hangers!

Our floor is all cosy sheep and cowskins! and I bought some super cool fairy lights which have little birds and diamonds and hearts etc.. which are currently by the bin.. illuminating the messy corner!
Pawel made those little seat cushion ball things and the table for the tv :D

Here you can see the balcony looking out onto the street! :)

 This bed is GINORMOUS!
I could sleep in this bed and not even know Pawel was in there too! (Although he still manages to completely hog the entire thing and I end up crammed against the wall, elbow in my face and loud snores down my ear!)

So yeah, I LOVE  this room :D

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the reading corner! I've gotta get me one of those!
