Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm not sure I'm organised enough for this!


I had my first lesson of the 20 week course on sat. I have to say I was a little bit intimidated by all the smart, professional looking Polish women. Although I think they're only a few years older than me, they have all had a lot of teaching experience and know what they're talking about. (I didn't even know what a lesson plan was!) 
Every one was dressed smartly and I turned up in my lumberjack shirt and fluffy boots! But I smiled a lot and nodded like I knew what was going on!
The course is EIGHT HOURS every Saturday until April and it's going to take a lot of dedication and organisation but I can handle it. I already received a lifetime of homework for next Saturday and actually have to teach my first lesson to about 8 elementary level Polish adults for twenty minutes, whilst being watched by other Celta students and our lecturers! ARGH
It doesn't help that I'm shy! Being shy is something I'm definitely going to have to get over, it actually gets on my nerves how socially awkward I can be! I'm definitely improving though :)
My Polish lessons are going well. Our course is really intensive which means it can be hard to keep up but we are covering a lot quickly. I can't wait until I can speak enough to get a job and am able to talk to everyone properly. The language barrier is definitely still an issue but is slowly falling down.
All these lessons and lectures mean I have to get up 6 am four times a week and take the tram and buses into Warsaw centre but I have to say I enjoy my ten minute walk down the beautiful street, watching all the business men and women running for buses and  the autumny feel of the city. I love autumn the most.
Pawel and I are going to a party tonight and we both have to be up 6 am for classes                      - should be interesting! :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

I can't stop listening to...

T a y l o r  S w i f t!

I wasn't a big fan at first, when all I had heard was 'Love Story' but once I gave her album a listen I couldn't stop! Her songs are so well written and honest and I can relate to a lot of the 'lovey dovey' things she writes about, being the overemotional romantic type myself  =)
Her songs are guaranteed to make me feel happier and smile, plus they are ridiculously catchy. 
I'm going to learn the guitar and try to teach myself some of the songs!

Plus, she is GORGEOUS and has the best hair E V E R!

C y n d i  L a u p e r!

I have rediscovered Cyndi Lauper - the heroine of my childhood!
I can remember having her tape and dancing around to it non stop in my room when I was about 6-7, knowing every word and harmony! I used to LOVE her, and it's been so fun listening to the songs I used to obsess over! 

My favourite song of hers: I drove all night!

Other bands I'm listening to:

Kate Bush
Harry Nilsson
Bombay Bicycle Club
Grizzly Bear
The Kills
Lykke Li
The Shirelles
Sinead O'Connor


Omg! I absentmindedly bought a bottle of this today and I have to say it's probably the nicest cold drink I've ever had! I don't know if they sell it in Britain but if you see it somewhere, you should really try it! Yuuuuumy! :)

Nestea Green Tea with Strawberry and Aloe Vera <3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This song haunts me!

I just think it is SO beautiful!

Click here to hear it

I have learnt it on the piano! So simple yet spellbinding! :) <3

My Native Speaker course starts on Sat and


As usual, I've managed to leave my 'month of doing nothing but learning English grammar so i won't look like a complete failure to the rest of the class' plan to the very last minute. As in, i have two days (yes, including today) to learn everything about the language :S
It's not like I haven't tried. I've sat and read and read about it but as I find it incredibly boring ( does anyone actually find it fascinating?) the words just haven't sunk into my brain and I find myself completely wasting my time in trying to do so.
I've taken to creating posters and sticking them up around my room in a desperate attempt to learn them quickly! 
I know all this will be worth it in the end, as a native speaker job in Poland is a great way to get a lot of money. I imagine it could actually be quite fun too, if I knew what I was talking about! 
I have no choice but to turn up on Saturday anyway and give it a go.
As we speak/write I have my nose in a child's Spelling and Grammar book I've had since I was about nine (and this is the first time I have actually attempted to read it!)

This is the closest book I could find to the one I have here, as it is probably ancient. Although my book is way cooler as it has pictures on the front and everything!

Monday, October 11, 2010

If you love me ...

Oh my gosh! Seriously, I've found what I want for christmas  my birthday ASAP!
I don't know how long they've been out for but I have just come across the YSL rings! They have to be the most beautiful pieces of jewellery I have ever seen in my life!
There is one in particular I have my eye on, but of course the cost is holding me back! (£123)

SOOOooo beautiful!