Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm not sure I'm organised enough for this!


I had my first lesson of the 20 week course on sat. I have to say I was a little bit intimidated by all the smart, professional looking Polish women. Although I think they're only a few years older than me, they have all had a lot of teaching experience and know what they're talking about. (I didn't even know what a lesson plan was!) 
Every one was dressed smartly and I turned up in my lumberjack shirt and fluffy boots! But I smiled a lot and nodded like I knew what was going on!
The course is EIGHT HOURS every Saturday until April and it's going to take a lot of dedication and organisation but I can handle it. I already received a lifetime of homework for next Saturday and actually have to teach my first lesson to about 8 elementary level Polish adults for twenty minutes, whilst being watched by other Celta students and our lecturers! ARGH
It doesn't help that I'm shy! Being shy is something I'm definitely going to have to get over, it actually gets on my nerves how socially awkward I can be! I'm definitely improving though :)
My Polish lessons are going well. Our course is really intensive which means it can be hard to keep up but we are covering a lot quickly. I can't wait until I can speak enough to get a job and am able to talk to everyone properly. The language barrier is definitely still an issue but is slowly falling down.
All these lessons and lectures mean I have to get up 6 am four times a week and take the tram and buses into Warsaw centre but I have to say I enjoy my ten minute walk down the beautiful street, watching all the business men and women running for buses and  the autumny feel of the city. I love autumn the most.
Pawel and I are going to a party tonight and we both have to be up 6 am for classes                      - should be interesting! :)

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