Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Native Speaker course starts on Sat and


As usual, I've managed to leave my 'month of doing nothing but learning English grammar so i won't look like a complete failure to the rest of the class' plan to the very last minute. As in, i have two days (yes, including today) to learn everything about the language :S
It's not like I haven't tried. I've sat and read and read about it but as I find it incredibly boring ( does anyone actually find it fascinating?) the words just haven't sunk into my brain and I find myself completely wasting my time in trying to do so.
I've taken to creating posters and sticking them up around my room in a desperate attempt to learn them quickly! 
I know all this will be worth it in the end, as a native speaker job in Poland is a great way to get a lot of money. I imagine it could actually be quite fun too, if I knew what I was talking about! 
I have no choice but to turn up on Saturday anyway and give it a go.
As we speak/write I have my nose in a child's Spelling and Grammar book I've had since I was about nine (and this is the first time I have actually attempted to read it!)

This is the closest book I could find to the one I have here, as it is probably ancient. Although my book is way cooler as it has pictures on the front and everything!

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