Friday, December 10, 2010

general update.

I have been in Warsaw for four months now! 
It's gone pretty quick and I'm going home in 11 days for Christmas :D Im really excited to see all my friends and my family for two weeks :) Pawel is coming over from the 1st (probably very hung over) until the 6th and we're getting the same flight back.
My teaching course is going really well. Everyone on the course is really nice and I've found another British girl there, which is great :D Teaching is getting less and less nerve wrecking but I'm not the type to get really nervous about standing in front of people.
My first 3 months of Polish lessons are coming to an end, we only have three lessons left and we have decided to end them in style by going straight from our lesson to the bar (at 11 am!) so... we'll see how that plays out! 
I have been really undecided about whether or not I want to continue onto the next trimester of lessons, as I found the first trimester REALLY hard. I can't believe how hard Polish is. Over the years I have taken Welsh, English, French, Spanish and Italian and Polish is hands down the most difficult. A million times. It's just SO different from English in every way possible. But there's no rush to learn it. I've started to be able pick up on conversations and get the gist of what's going on, which is really useful. 
I have made two great friends on the Polish course, although my friend from Korea is going back home after Christmas :(
Even though it's only been four months, I can feel myself changing and growing more independent and aware of myself, which can only be a positive thing. 
Pawel is doing really well in his fashion course. He came home yesterday with two tickets to his mentors (who is quite famous in Poland) fashion show on Tuesday and I'm going with him :D Exciting!
It's still snowing here. The snow is so much heavier than it is in Britain, I feel like I have been living at a ski resort for the past two weeks! I have to dress in about  a hundred layers to just step outside. It's pretty impossible to wake up at 6:30 am these days, as its pitch black outside and SO cold! I do love the snow though.
 I remember the days at high school where, if there was the slightest whisper of the word 'snow,' everyone would be sent home. I thought it was crazy to see the school children heading off to school with the snow over their knee caps! 
I am ashamed to say the first two things I noticed once I was in Poland were:
* Where are all the fat people? ( Hardly anyone here is fat!)
* I can't believe people work so hard for everything.

Other changes to me since Poland:
* Tea with NO milk or sugar (hardcore!)
* Black coffee (or gingerbread latte, unfortunately with soya milk!)
* No hesitation to hop on trams, metros, buses or trains alone without being 100% sure where I'm going or if its even the right tram/bus etc.
* My fashion style
* My independence

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