Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One year in Poland!

So I have been living in Warsaw now for exactly one year! I have to say it's been far more difficult than I thought it would be! Although I have a full time job now as a pre school teacher (ages 2 1/2 - 6 years old) I still can't say I have any real friends yet, which I did not expect, I guess it's due to the fact I can't speak Polish yet (although I'm seriously improving) but I guess these things take time. Polish personalities are just so different from the British ones I'm used to. The girls in my work are pretty cool though but it's definitely hard to find people like the ones back at home :D
I am also starting to get comfortable driving here too, which will be a huge plus as it will save me an hour getting to work in the mornings and to be honest the thought of waiting for buses at 6am on -23 degree Polish wintery mornings push me to get on the road faster! My parents are helping me out by getting me a car when they come over in the next month, so right now I'm looking for the car! I have my eye on a black mini which is going for £3000! I'm a bit suspicious on why it's so cheap but I am definitely not complaining!
At the moment I am trying to save my money (which I'm not good at) to start renting an apartment. Pawel is busy making clothes and bags to sell - the reason I've started blogging again.. LOTS of free time! Apartments are actually pretty cheap and we have our eyes on a few but it's just the point of earning enough money now. I'm REALLY excited for us to get our own place, it's my main long term goal at the moment :)


These are the most BEAUTIFUL shoes I've seen in a long time! Although I'm supposed to be saving up for a house (my boyfriend and I are looking for an apartment close to the Warsaw city centre) I think I will have to get them, even though they are a third of my entire months salary (£267) but they are just soooo cool!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

                                                  To the light - Hotel Persona
                                              (Steve from Placebo's new band)

Okay, so I've been living in Poland now for eight months and it's only now I'm starting to feel how hard it is. The main problem I have is not having friends here, I only really have two and one of them is moving away today and the other is in America for a month.  With Pawel being gone pretty much all day everyday, I am definitely starting to feel lonely :(  Things will probably change once I get a full time job, as I'll have the chance to meet new people and I'll be too busy to feel alone.
I am currently applying for all types of jobs, but I've decided to focus on international pre-schools (around ages 6-7), that would be so fun :D
My parents and youngest sister are coming over at the end of this month for a week, which I can't wait for. Plus two of my best friends are coming over next month for a week or two which I am SO excited for, I can't wait to show them around!
As I have now finished my CELTA classes ( I passed yaaay!) I have Saturdays free, which would be great apart from the fact Pawel works 13 hours on Saturdays, so I have to entertain myself. So far I have filled my day by going for a jog, practising the piano, washing and rearranging my entire wardrobe of clothes, blogging, pampering session, reading and I'm planning to start writing a new short story and  doing a workout later.
So basically.... I NEED A LIFE!    :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sucker Punch

BEST SOUNDTRACK EVER! Every song they used was amazing and I have to say the make up and costumes were perfect, I'd love to have a Sucker punch makeover to see what I'd look like!
Emily Browning is SO gorgeous and I love how all the characters looked. I don't know how I feel about the story line though and the ending totally threw me! I had no idea what actually happened but I liked all the fighting scenes and thought it was so well made :D
Anyway, the point of this is to put on a song from the film which I'm totally in love with, it's a cover of the Pixies' 'Where is my mind' sung by Yoav and Emily Browning. I love the original but this is so beautiful too :)  I can't stop listening to it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Argh, I love the French language, so beautiful

New aims:

1. Save up 3000 PLN (around £666) so I can go on a road-trip with Pawel and his best friend Piotrek to Croatia in the summer :D I need to get a job asap
2. Get fit for beachy times! Going well so far :)
3. Find the biggest, best hat for my friends wedding in May :D
4. Make a list of amazing fun things to do when Katie and Bethan come here in March/April (hopefully)
5. Finish Celta! (yessssssssssssss)
6. Look into a job teaching children - I think I will be much better suited to it, what with all the colours and games and creative lesson ideas
7. Start to drive in Warsaw! - I'm a bit hesitant to start because it's soooo scary driving here

Monday, February 21, 2011

I've been living in Poland for just over half a year now!

The time has gone relatively quickly. I only have another 5 weeks at my teaching course (which I can't wait to finish) and I'm still enjoying my Polish lessons although they are really hard. My sister is coming over for a week tomorrow with her boyfriend, I can't wait to see her, it's been two months since I last saw her and I can't wait for a catch up. Last time she came I had to rely on Pawel to show her around as I was still new there and didn't know my way around or how to buy travel tickets etc.. so this time I will be able to take them out whilst Pawel is working. 

Hopefully we'll go to this pool I've been dying to go to since I found out about it.
It's pretty expensive but I think it would be amaaaazing to overlook Warsaw whilst swimming :D
I'm trying to get fit for the summer and we've been swimming a lot recently, I love it!
Pawel got me a beautiful necklace for our 2 years anniversary, he drew it out himself then got it made and I'm wearing it everyday now! Wait, I'll show you:
<3 I love it!
He also bought me a really soft white rabbit toy from the oldest toy shop in Warsaw and he recorded his voice in its tummy, so when you squeeze it, it has Pawel's voice saying 'yeah I know' (from little Britain) which he is  unfortunately obsessed with! So cute =)
Oh yeaaaah my dairy allergy seems to have vanished for now which I am SERIOUSLY happy about! Although I'm still drinking Soya milk as I'm not brave enough to drink cow's milk yet, but chocolate has never tasted so good :D
Yesterday Pawel and his dad hung our t.v on some wires so it's like a mini cinema! It's so cool! Here's a picture of it:


Sunday, February 6, 2011

My new dress!

Pawel made me a dress for Christmas which I absolutely adore :D It fits me perfectly and I plan to wear it when we go out for our 2 years anniversary on Sat :)
We still don't know what we are doing for it (although I'm at my teaching course till 6pm and Pawel is working until that time too), but 6pm onwards is going to be AWESOME!
I also need to find him a present. I have a few ideas but all are really expensive or are unavailable in Poland! I need to get thinking... I have 5 days to come up with something.
Here's a pic of the dress he made:

  Ah, I love it soooo much :)

Another thing I recently got was the YSL ring I blogged about last year! I couldn't believe it as I unwrapped it, one of the best presents I've EVER gotten although unfortunately it was a tiiiiny size so I have to go and get it resized to fit and then I'm seriously going to wear it everyday forever :D

...beauuuutiful <3